
PostgreSQLMariaDB Server is another popular open source relational databases. It’s a fork of MySQL from the original developers and is guaranteed to stay open source.

The current Bitnami Helm chart does not allow for a creation of an automatic backup job. Check out more information about backing up MariaDB in Kubernetes for how I've handled MariaDB backups.


As with many complex Helm charts, I like to grab the values.yaml file to adjust the deployment settings. We can do that with the following commands:

helm show values oci:// > values.yaml

Now we can start editing the file to our needs. Below is some examples where I have customized the settings. For example, I use Longhorn for block storage. You will obviously need to adjust to your needs.


  storageClass: "longhorn"
## @param architecture MariaDB architecture (`standalone` or `replication`)
architecture: replication #standalone
## MariaDB Authentication parameters
  ## @param auth.rootPassword Password for the `root` user. Ignored if existing secret is provided.
  ## ref:
  rootPassword: "YourSuperSecretPassword"
  ## @param auth.database Name for a custom database to create
  ## ref:
  database: intial
  ## @param auth.username Name for a custom user to create
  ## ref:
  username: "dbuser"
  ## @param auth.password Password for the new user. Ignored if existing secret is provided
  password: "dbuser"
  ## @param auth.replicationUser MariaDB replication user
  ## ref:
  replicationUser: replicator
  ## @param auth.replicationPassword MariaDB replication user password. Ignored if existing secret is provided
  ## ref:
  replicationPassword: "YourSuperSecretPassword"
  resourcesPreset: "medium"
  resourcesPreset: "medium"

Deploy the Chart

Now that we've adjusted our values.yaml file we can deploy the chart. I like to keep these as bash scripts so I can easily redeploy the chart as I make configuration changes


helm upgrade --install --namespace database \
             mariadb oci:// \
             -f values.yaml

Creating Databases for Applications

Now you can simply create new databases as needed for all of your MariaDB or MySQL enabled application. The process is straightforward: First, using Adminer, or any other MariaDB client of your liking execute the following (after making the appropriate changes)

CREATE USER 'db_user'@% IDENTIFIED BY 'YourSuperSecretPassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 'db_name.* TO 'user1'@%;

This will create a database and user for your application and give that role ownership of the database which should allow the consuming application everything it'll need to function.