
KubernetesKubernetes is a container orchestration platform. It allows for the automatic distribution of containers overs multiple servers. While it may be a bit of overkill for what I need at home for the applications we use, it has provided an excellent learning environment for me to increase my cloud computing skills. As part of the stand-up of Kubernetes, I installed the following services first as a foundation for all my other projects.

I do not cover the actual installation of Kubernetes here as I have found many excellent guides are already available and I don't think I have anything else to add to provide any additional value. For my home lab I leverage Rocky Linux for all my server infrastructure and I found this guide at HowtoForge to be incredibly helpful and I was able to get my cluster up and going very quickly with this.

In addition, I have found that Lens has proven to be a very useful IDE for Kubernetes to help manage my K8s cluster.